Thanks and a Favor

I want to thank you again for subscribing to the email list. But I would also like you do me a favor and consider upgrading to becoming a paid subscriber.

I’ve been running the website for over twenty-five years. In the past, ad revenues have covered my out-of-pocket costs, but internet ad revenues have declined sharply, and the costs for web hosting and software have been rising. I am now paying the majority of the costs of the site out of my own bank account. I’d like to get back to the point where the site operates on a break-even basis financially.

As an incentive, I’m going to start producing some content that is exclusive to paid subscribers. (Currently, a paid subscription enables you to see posts a week in advance.) The first of these efforts will be Wordorigins After Dark, containing more adult-themed topics. (Nothing prurient in tone but distinctly NSFW.) The first of these will be a history of the name of the sexual practice known as pegging. This will be an occasional series; I’m aiming at a post a month; we’ll see how it goes. I’m open for suggestions on what other kinds of paid-subscriber content you’d like to see (podcast? posts on non-etymology topics).

But have no fears. The free posts will continue as before. I very much want to keep the core of free and available to all. And regardless of how many subscribe, I’ll keep on producing the regular posts. The site isn’t going anywhere

The paid subscription rate is US$5.00 per month or US$50.00 per year. If you don’t have the financial means to upgrade, or if you don’t think it’s worth it, that’s fine. I still value your free subscription.

You can upgrade to a paid subscription by clicking on the links above.

And thanks again!